Nico, Andrew and Finn visited last weekend from New Haven on their way to the Jersey Shore. We all met up at The Gate for an afternoon of catching up and enjoying some cold ones. Mason also met Tanya for the first time and saw his buddies Siobhan and the Roth-man.
Mason is starting to have longer periods of alertness and is recently finding his activity gym pretty entertaining. I can leave him under there for a good 20 minutes before he gets bored, which is a perfect amount of time for me to do things like eat!
Today is supposed to be the last hot day for a while, thank goodness. We'll be able to do a lot more outdoor stuff once it starts cooling down a bit.
T-minus 2 weeks to the first shots! I will feel much better once he's had them. After that he'll be able to go on the subway and visit mine and Adrian's office friends. We'll have so much more freedom that it'll seem like a whole new world!
We loved meeting him too! He is even more adorable in person than in photos.