So my intention with this blog was to provide updates frequently (at least a couple of times a week) but I've been very delinquent in the last month. Now I plan to be back on track and provide twice weekly updates on Tuesday and Fridays.
This past week and a half has been busy. I've been to Canada twice for MBA recruiting events, so the little guy was with his dad on both occasions. All went well overall, though it's very hard to be away from the babe for a whole day. Luckily I only have one more work trip on the calendar between now and November.
Last weekend Javier, Marina, and Marinita came out to Brooklyn to see us and meet Mason. We had brunch at Flatbush Farm and then took a walk around the neighborhood, grabbing some ice cream and coffee along the way. Marinita is about 6 weeks older than Mason.
We also got Mason a Bumbo seat, which the pediatrician recommended. He has always had impressive head control but his doctor says he has a stiff neck, and apparently the Bumbo is supposed to help remedy this.
He is so cute in the bumbo! And i'm impressed at how we'll he's already sitting up in it. We used it a lot when Finn first started on solid foods, but you're still a while away from that. I love Mason's hair.