It's hard to believe that Arden has been home now for just over two weeks, after spending only 7 days in the NICU. She's already gained a full pound! Mason still doesn't really understand what it means to have a sister, nor the concept of being "gentle" when he touches her, but he is getting used to having her around and has even learned her name.
We've had a number of visitors already, several of whom have brought us delicious home-cooked meals (and all of whom have brought yummy sweet treats, like cupcakes, brownies, macarons and chocolate chip cookies).
Here are pictures of some of the highlights of the past couple of weeks.
Nice to see Ado's swaddling skills are still top-notch! I love the last photo of M kissing A - very promising. Also, in that pic with Nick he looks so grown up! We really have to see you all in person soon.